
Twitter gets you free stuff!

I wanted to let you know that if you're not following Go{4}Pro on Twitter you should! Twitter has been something I've really struggled with. Honestly I just didn't get it, and I still don't! However, despite that I knew I wanted to utilize it, I just wasn't sure how. I've decided Twitter is where I will tell you about all the things that may not be appropriate as a full post. For example I heard an awesome FREE webinar Thursday night hosted by Photography School House and Sandy Puc from her Bellies to Baby series, there will be a part 2 the end of April so thats something I would tweet about. 

So twitter will be dedicated to free stuff, cool finds and a bit of randomness! Hope to see you there! 

And just in case you wanted some cool social media icons for your blog... Here is a great link


  1. Hi Leah! I, too, am a huge fan of Amy Wenzel (love the depth of her soul and her 'raw' posts on her blog - so true, so real, love her!) so I found YOU through HER! Isn't that a great feeling? Anyway, I wanted you to know that I just spent the past 3 hours looking at your ENTIRE blog - clicking on links, learning from you, appreciating your business-sense and the openness you have to helping others. I have been in business for a few years but LOVE learning! You definitely had some tips I picked up on - thank you!

  2. i wish i understood twitter - but i don't. i just don't get it.

  3. Stacy! I don't get twitter either, 1/4 of my posts are me saying I can't figure out how to do something. But I'm trying to jump on the bandwagon and needed somewhere I could post quick things and that when I realized twitter could be a perfect medium. Give it a shot, we can 'not get it' together!

  4. me too...trying to find the time and purpose for twitter! I swore I wouldn't get on THAT wagon, but....I'll do anything for the biz.
