1. I love the philosophy of napcp. In their mission statement it reads:
"To promote and support the artistry and integrity of the most talented, creative, and professional child photographers.
To accomplish this mission, NAPCP provides the most comprehensive resources for its members, bringing together a community of passionate artists committed to growth in their skills, their artistry, and their businesses."
Now I wouldn't call myself 'the most talented' but passion... All the way baby!
2. I want to grow. My full time job is still and will always be mom, however (saying that) I also want to be successful with Leah Remillet Photography. I have no intention of settling at mediocre. I believe that being a member on napcp will help me accomplish bigger and better things as a photographer!
3. Networking! Networking is key to a great business. Belong and actively using the resources available is essential to getting your name known! I love the directory napcp offers and I can't wait for the parent portion of the program to be launched and see what kind of business it brings in!
4. Now I have this super cool logo to add to my blog and it makes me feel way cooler! =)
Go explore napcp - if you photograph children, this may be a great fit for you too!
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