If you can relate at all, here are a few ideas to help simplify your work life that I've been doing or am doing.
1. Clear your desktop!
That's right, I mean close out of all other applications (especially your email and the internet) so that you only have ONE project on your screen at a time. When clicking all screens it should not appear to be a connect the dots game! Close everything else out and watch how it helps your mind do the same thing and stay focused. Multi tasking is not always a good thing. Take one project at a time, open it work at it and close it than move on to the next! I also suggest not checking any social media during designated project time! Every time I check an email while I'm working on editing there is inevitably a link, the link wants to be clicked and who am I to hurt it's feelings? But it always leads to more links and by the time I get back to editing an hour (or more) has passed.
2. Know Your Schedule

Here's an adorable way to know exactly whats going on for the month and the rest of your family only has to take a peak to know what's going on too! Found on MarthaStewart.com
Tip: Plan out your family time well in advance with your spouse! When you get busy it's easy to fall into a vicious cycle where you haven't left a single weekend or night open to just be a family. If you plan out special weekends, weeks or even months in advance you'll save your self and your family from burn out!
This is a rule my dad was always trying to teach me and I'm only now truly starting to appreciate what he was trying to help me understand. For all those times you open an email that could have a very quick response but put it off till later, every time you open a letter, read over it in it's entirety and than push it to the end of your desk for a later response and each time you put off finishing the client order you just received you're making way more work for yourself in the long run! So the pile climbs, the emails accumulate and you all together forget to order the prints for 3 days after the order was received. You're creating drama, unnecessary drama and I completely disagree with Chandler Bing (old Friends episode) on the idea that woman enjoy and need this kind of drama in our lives! Quite the contrary! We need simple effective solutions to help maintain order in a life that's constantly set at turbo time! So touch it once. Don't open the mail till your checkbook is open and ready. Don't look at your email till you've carved out 30 minutes to respond. By scheduling time to complete tasks fully the first time, we can shave off a lot of wasted time in "get back to's".
Tip: Now of course there are things that come up daily that take time to handle properly. Thats okay! Put it in a folder for more time later and than actually carve out the time you need to get it done otherwise that folder will be bulging before you know it!
Organization boxes from Martha Stewart.
4. Block out the time

Pocket Watch Image from Flickr
5. Plan ahead

Be a planner. If you're not acting out a plan all your doing is reacting to a problem! Think about that for a minute. How can you (or I) progress in our business, in our goals, in our dreams if we have no plan to take us there? By creating a plan (broken down into tangible steps to help get you to the end goal) you are telling your mind that it's achievable and you know just how to do it. Sure the plans may change, of course one road may turn out to be a dead-end and a little back tracking is needed but there is still a goal in mind and you've laid down the path to make that goal real! In contrast if you say that you want something but don't believe or see anyway in which it could be obtainable than you're mind will never seriously consider opportunities that could bring that dream closer.
Tip: Write it out! Start with 3 goals. One that you feel is a fundamental step in building your business (i.e. create a senior program), the second goal is where you would like to see yourself/your business (i.e. bringing in 40K take home at part time) and let the third be something that's part of your wildest dreams (i.e. travel thru Europe for 2 months). Now break down each of those goals into stepping stones, you may even need to create smaller goals with steps to bring you to your ultimate goal. Write it out and pin it to your wall so that you look at it often.
I'm very serious about getting organized. It's the only way that I will be able to manage Go{4}Pro, Leah Remillet Photography, a home and have the time I need to love my husband and children so get ready for a lot more posts from me and people who know a lot more than me on the eluding topic of... (insert sinister 'duh, duh, duh') Organization! If you would like to write a guest post on how you're staying organized, email me!
Great post! I'm pretty sure I have ADD, because I CANNOT stay focused for the life of me! Also, where can I find a Kathy??! :- )
ReplyDeleteUm, I second the sincere love and desire for Kathy. I loved what she said about working in 30 minute increments. I can do that! And I'll close down my e-mail and facebook while I do it, too. :)
ReplyDeleteLove you dear! And I am so glad that things are working for you!
This of course is FANTASTIC! Great things to remember, and good things for mee to keep telling myself to do! Now to do it!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding mee!
-Melissa E Earle